You know one of the things i have had to give up when i went on meds was my desire to create things. I have zero motivation to work on my railroad or build models. Before when i was manic i would stay up until 3 in the morning working on my layout. Now it just sits, unused and unworked on. However i am not making any rash decisions yet. I have carefully packed up all my stuff and have it there in case i decide to start creating again. Even after 2 years i havnt given up hope yet.
My motivation to bicycle came back, allthough not with the same fevor and passion as before but i still get out 3-4 times aweek and enjoy it greatly. It's the price i pay to be "normal" and to have a successful, mononogamous relationship with my wife. So i look and find pleasure in other things, like work for instance.
Thank god for one gift that didnt leave me, my love of reading and history. Those two are still there and i thank the lord above that they have stayed with me.