Thank you all so much.
Yesterday was okay at work. Today however, my depression is 11 out of 10. On the brink of being in crisis.
One positive note, and it's wonderful--My sister delievered a healthy baby boy last night despite being a month early. She had been having contractions for awhile now brought on by all the stress of Mom's cancer...We were so worried last night, but it all worked out; he is healthy and she is doing fine! I am very glad about this.
But as you all know, depression can take over, and no matter how hard I am fighting, I am losing the battle right now. I went for a walk last night; talked with a girlfriend on the phone...totally vented...yet here I am today. I am worried about work. I have zero motivation right now. Honestly, I have so much to do and I don't know how to get through any of it. I just want to go home and sleep...but I have too many sick days in my opinion so I don't feel comfortable leaving.
Ugh. Of course, the Seroquel does not seem to be helping. And I can't increase the dose because it will make me too zombie-ish. about Seroquel, has anyone gained weight on it?
Anyway, its genetic, thank you for the laugh. I will try your suggestion.
Keep the hugs and posts coming guys; I will admit I really need them right now.