hey tortoise,
So the key in coping with hypomania is sloooowwwing eveyrthing, especially our minds down. Exercise, either a soothing walk in nature or if you run with music that could help too. You want to try to get your mind to stop racing from thoughts to thougts, so as hard as it is to focus on something that's what we need to try to do. Some people say to "go with it" and do all the high energy things, but for me personally I like the idea of trying to do relaxing, soothing things. I take comfort in the idea of my mind slowing down. Being hypomanic really wears me out.
So with sleep...that is tough, but try herbal tea? or aromatherapy for relaxation. Warm bubble baths (not too hot so your heart is pounding LOL) with soothing scents and I take these baths before going to bed...and I light candles and listen to relaxing music...honestly climbing into bed after a bath feeling clean and soothed goes a long way. I also wash my bedding when I am hypomanic (it's using my energy for something productive) but the point of it is to have that awesome clean smelling bed to sleep in at the end of my coping day.
I hope some of this helps. The worst symptom for me with hypomania (besides the shopping) is the racing mind and energy (and reduced sleep!)
Feel better, slow down, relax..........ah....breathe... (not in that order, LOL)