Hi, all!
I'm 42; have been diagnosed since early adulthood with depression, gen anxiety disorder, and adjustment disorder. about 4 months ago all of the puzzle pieces of me seemed to come together with my pdoc and she dx'd me with Cyclothymia. Been a long, LONG road to this point, but am now finally on what seems to be a good-fit combo of meds; the dx and subsequent placing onto mood stabilizers changed my world for the better. Now that I'm in a place of much more balance, I'm trying to get used to this new feeling and also educate myself on the BP spectrum disorders so that I can most effectively manage my condition. Am currently on another forum and LivingWell from that forum posted that she was starting up a chat group here, so I figured I'd give it a go... am open to any tools I can use to stay well
So, a hello to all and look forward to being part of this forum!!
ps: Cracked and LW, just changed my screen name here to Koshka... silly me... I don't want to confuse people with a buncha different names, so back to Koshka it tis