Pattyclaire, your childhood echoes mine! I was married at 18 after being physically and emotionally abused/neglected always in trouble at school (bored!), into drugs and alchohol, promiscuous, married again at 20, cheated on him after 6 months, then moved to Dallas. More failed relationships, finally got on lithium and decided to put myself through nursing school while living alone on 8$ an hour. Got out with straight A's, went to work and met my husband in '93. Got married a year later and put him through hell, due to quitting my meds in school. 10 years later, serious about meds. Now doing great and he loves it!
Christine, I am concerned about your daughter, I was like that, too, except when I threw a fit, I got beaten, so I tried to keep it in. I started hurting myself becuase I was not allowed to be angry. I remember having night terrors way back when I was 2, my mom said it was almost from birth. I was mean to other kids, couldn't get along with anybody.
I believe there is something very wrong with your daughter. Does she have nightmares? Is she also clingy with you when not throwing a fit? Is she antisocial with other kids?
I do believe she needs to be medicated, she is obviously miserable, poor thing. Even worse for children, they don't understand they may be ill. I believe serious mental illness has definite indications in childhood, it's just that most parents think it's a "stage" or attribute it to just being kids. I would definitely get her help. She is beyond any type of discipline at this point. Keep us posted, OK? Good luck!