Hey Red, nice post. I too try and live without the help of meds. But they are still there for my bad times.
I have found excersise to be a huge release for my energy and emotional issues. Hiking is good cause it gives me time away from everything. Biking is awesome, very zen state of mind. Krav Magaw (martial arts) great for flexabilty and stress relief.
Mostly i have found living my life away from bad influnces has proven the best remidy for my issues. Bad relationships are gone (ex wife) I have very good control of my money. My mistakes are truely just mine now. I am not affecting anyone else when i have a bad day.
Buddism has become very important to me. It has created a sense of stability and confort in my life that is absolutly fantastic. It allows me to shake off the nastiness of life and just be a good man.
Glad you are feeling well.