I am really bad about
avoiding stress. Today I'm fighting it. I wrote down everything I wanted to do in avoidance and found a reasonable time to do it.
Now that I'm not running away, I don't know what to do.
I have not been going to the gym and have a lot of guilt and shame because of it.
We started stripping and refinishing kitchen cabinets. It is a HUGE project that is going slowly and is stressing me out. My parents owned a furniture refinishing shop and I worked for them through my teen years. So I know what I'm doing. I'm completely overwhelmed. And I'm frustrated and ANGRY at the slow pace, because I know how long it should take when you have the professional equipment.
I got done with work early and have not picked up my son from the sitter because of indecision, not knowing what to do.
I AM ******* COLD! I' turning up the heat beause I'm so angry I don't care any more. It's 58 degrees in here. I am wearing my winter coat and under a blanket. And I'm still shivering and my hands are purple. I don't do well with being cold. It prompts depression, in as little as 30 minutes. I have bad memories associated with being cold. My parent's furnace went out every year and the water froze too. This was during a period of BAD depression too. After years and years of my dad trying to fix he furnace, finally he called a repairman. Turned out the thing was RECALLED, my dad was too cheap, broke, and stubborn to find out. I have a lot of anger about that. Cold = unloved, in my mind.
I already took klonopin as soon as I realized I was in avoidance. Now I'm going to turn up the heat and try to get warm.
Then I don't know what to do. There is the cabinets project, and going to the gym that are stressing me out bad enough that I want to drive 100 miles to go see a friend and go shopping instead. I'm not going on the trip until Friday. I've already WASTED 3 hours of my day being upset about this.