Hi stuckhere, lets see if i can help, after all i was your husband 3 years ago.
I read your post and let me see if i can answer some questions. Bp is a very sneaky desease, it sneaks up on you over years. I didnt go to sleep one night normal and wake up BP. Then i could have said, "wait, something has changed". It doesnt work like that at all. Also think of it like this, you have two of most things, knees, eyes, ears. If one isnt working right you have something to compare it to. Hey, my left knee is being weird, my right knee feels fine, maybe i should go get that left knee checked out. But your brain is all you have, if that goes screwy you have nothing to comapre it against. See where i am coming from?
That said i did have some semblance of control, but its hard to say if it was control or an illusion of control. Compulsions are very very hard to resist. In my case it ran toward sex and money issues (no drugs or alchol thank god) But resisting them is darn near inpossible. Sure i knew what i was doing was wrong, but honestly i didnt have much choice in the matter.
My marriage stumbbled along for another two years before the divorce happened. Sometimes there is just too much damage done to save the "ship".
We do get better. For a variety of reasons. Medications helped my greatly. But it took three med changes to find one that worked, then it was finding the right amount. all this takes time. In my case a good 2 years of being on meds to find the right dosing.
Meds allow us to find and understand normal again. Finding normal after being manic for so long was a breath of fresh air. But beware, many BP go off their meds cause life is just to dull and boring on meds. I for one worked with my doctor to reduce my meds so i could experience some mild hypomania (hey it feels great) but all it does is make me a very happy person. Kinda the good side of bp.
BP is also all about emotions. I had to get away from my wife to learn how to live and control this beast. DOgs are great for us as living companions, people not allways so much. Even now i approach each and every relationship carefully, i am stable now, been stable for almost 2 years, so any new relationship is carefully examined before i let them in.
There is nothing wrong with you getting a divorice at this point in the relationship. You too are a victiam of BP. You too should mourn the loss that BP has brought to your life, it happened. It soundls like trying to save the marriage would be a huge undertaking, and you need to honestly appraise yourself and see if you really love him and can find the forgivness in your heart for him. (BTW, those last two things are mutually exclusive) I still love my ex, but in a brotherly way. I want nothing but the best for her, and hope she finds the happiness i couldnt provide. I have even forgiven her for stabbing me (yep, BP can cause bad things to happen). That all said i also understand that i am better not being around her. Her and i are BAD for each other. Let me say that again, we were BAD, VERY BAD, REALLY REALLY BAD for each other. Doesnt mean we cant love each other, but it doesnt mean a marriage will work either.
Well thats it for now, feel free to ask as many questions as you want.