Hi limbo, lets see if i can help. I was your husband for many years. Yes i would hook up with women on the internet and go have sex, that happened alot. I spent money like crazy, had it all figured out in my mind that i was completely justified. My logic was completely correct and rational, except for the fact that it wasnt, and that my mind was completely out of control.
It took my acceptance, and i mean complete acceptance of this desease to start to get on the road to learning to live well with it. It will allways be a part of him, it will never go away. But the start is acceptance and then medicicnes. Yes the meds suck, they have side effects, and they also take away alot of the bipolar energy we get so addicted to. He will have to learn to not only live with the new him, he will have to also mourn the loss of the old him. It took me several years to get thru this.
Once i was "normal" for almost a year, i talked to my doctor about reducing my meds so i could have some of the old BP energy back. But its a tight rope i walk every day, staying on top of this desease.
He may never recover, he may hate the meds and not take them, lots of stuff may happen. I applaud that you want to keep your marriage, but you should also get help also, you are also a victiam of BP also. If he cant accept this desease and treat it accordingly then you need to protect yourself.
And even after 4 years of activly fighting this desease, if you want perfect, dont look here. BP people have slips, mistakes, and backslides like anyone else. Its tough for us. Here is an analogy i use. You have two knees, arms, two of alot of things. If a knee feels weird, you have another to compare it against. "Hey, my left knee feels weird, my right feels fine, maybe i should call a doctor." When your mind isnt working right, you have no other mind to compare it against. Does that make sense to you?
I hope things work out, Keep posting here. we are awefully supportive.