Hey everyone. Well 2012 is continuing to live up to my idea of a year of change. But change isnt allways for the bad. Some times leaving something we love behind can open us up to be filled with something new and maybe better?
I left my job in loss prevention after a great three year run. It was a job i embraced and came to absolutly love. But with payroll cuts, it was becoming a much more dangerous job. I left it in feb and took some time off. I then looked around took a job building bicycles again. After two weeks i can honestly say i love my work. I just love building things again, it absolutly completes me on so many levels. That was a good change.
A bad change was i had to break up with my girlfriend. She was awonderful lady, and a good match. Except she was very needy, and she wanted me to get married and help her raise her kids. Also she wanted me down at her house each and every night, and the drive was getting to me as was the gas prices. The big no-no came when she complained the whole time i was at my moms, she was just so upset i wasnt with her. Once she started putting the pressure on, my manias started coming back. It was all to much and i had to walk away. Maybe im right and maybe im wrong, but since i did two weeks ago i havnt felt like i have made the wrong decision. Im learning more and more about this disorder is that avoiding stress for me is the key to living without medication.
But there is no way to avoid all stress. But i work hard, pay my bills, try and sock money away, and live an emotionally ballanced life. That way if something unexpected pops up, i have a reserve of calm to use up before i start affecting my manias.
Excersise was and still is huge in my life. Bike riding, martial arts, and lots of walks with thor. (thats my big puppy). All those things are awesome, but i think the walks with thor are my favorite. There is just something i enjoy about hanging out with the big lug. And the post hike trips to burger king are also a great thing. LOL LOL LOL But excersise is still one of the best things i have ever found in my dealing with BP.
Well im sure new changes are coming. Its hard to believe we are only just four months in. LOL LOL