Hi and welcome, i love the post title, very imagintive.
Yep, those things happen to us also. If you stick around here for a while and post specific questions you will get more indepth answers.
Medicines can help alot, but so can training your mind to cope with what you deal with. Just as you wouldnt go out and run a marathon tommrrow with no training, the same can be said of living with BP. Im four years along and live without medications, but i still suffer from BP, its just that my suffering is managable now.
To give you an example that i think applies to you. Take one thing you want to do every day. Say doing the dishes. I will not go to bed unless every dish is done correctly and put away. Its a small way to claim some part of my life over BP. By making sure one thing i want to get done gets done every day, i then can add another, and another, and so on and so on. Think Crawl, Walk, Run.
Also i feel excersise is a huge boost to our minds. If you have worked out and feel good, it normally makes the rest of the day feel better. I have been off my work out routine this last two weeks cause of moving and i can definetly feel the difference. Move is over tommrrow so i can get on my bike and pedal away. LOL LOL LOL
Again welcome, and look forward to seeing more.