Posted 5/30/2013 9:15 AM (GMT 0)
Yes Audi,
We often get confused between "states" and "normal emotion".
We can somehow try to normalise depression and anxiety when they are not normal. They are symptoms of physical brain illness. Sadness is a normal emotion, fear is a normal emotion, not depression and anxiety.
I think the term "mental illness" can be misleading as it can infer that it is "all in our heads" or "purely psychology related" when nothing can be further from the truth.
Depression, Bipolar are physical illnesses. They not only create artificial "mood" states they also create enormous cognitive and other physical symptom.
Really how can conditions that put out the sleep/wake cycle, interfere with appetite and digestion, can physically totally debilitate you or give you super-human strength and energy, can play so much havoc with memory or create moments of "Einstein"ism be not regarded as a physical illness, I will never know!!!
Neurological conditions like epilepsy, parkinson's are not dismissed as "in someone's head" and illnesses that create mood, mind and physical effects from brain chemistry imbalance needs to be given just as much respect and status.