Oh my goodness I would see a new drug dealer sweetheart. Okay I will be nice , you need a second opinion, get a new psychiatrist. 1000mg of depakpote is extremely high, unless you told her alot of info. that wasn't mentioned in your post. In my first dx of Bipolar, my doc prescribed me 500 mg, and I went back and GRADUALLY he increased it. Later to learn I am type I, two years later. That doc, hasn't spent enough time with , and that dosage seems too high . Where's pyschnurse? She could tell you more on meds that you are on and taking depakote with them. I cannot. I am no doc here but seems to me you are suffering depression due to a stressor in your life. I am really sorry to hear about
the incident. In regards to the most imporant , which is your health, find another doctor, it doesn't have to be a psychiatrist. Good luck to ya .