Thanks for your response. I was reading up on Neurontin--some sites say that it is used as a "mood stabilizer". For me---I am not BP (even tho the one shrink thought i was----"BP 2"---in only 15 mins of talking)----Yesterday---saw a pschologist (Ph.D)---we spoke over one hr. She did not feel i was. Also---called a great Psychiatrist i saw in late 1980s--when my mom was dying of cancer & i was having problems w my older brother (who is BP I---severe)---this guy i saw (twice/week--nearly 2 yrs)----diagnosed my as "General Anxiety disoder"---w panic attacks. I spoke w him last nite ( I can not see him now--unfortunately--i'd luv to--as his practice is in upsate PA.--nearly 100 miles away from me)---he was adamant---that I was not BP!!! And he saw me often--& took offense that anyone would or could make a diagnosis in 20 mins. "Rob----you are not manic---panic? Yes...but not manic/deprssive!"
My friends here on this site---do you feel that i Psychatrist that saw me twice/week---(tho in late 80s----i was still an adult---& he woulda seen something)---would know me better than this other "burnt out" "trist"??? Am curious what you all think--(see my other post----"excuse me for rambling")-----also--psych nurse--interested in your educated & well respected views. (still interested in Neurontin---now, my friend might be BP----am curious about Neurontin as "mood stabilizer")......Thanks all----you are all so helpful----Rob