As you probably know from past posts, my son has bipolar 1/manic depression. The recent quick weather change effected his mood to the point where he was acting out, getting violent, yelling at everyone etc. and we had to call 9 1 1 to have him removed. He was admitted to the psych ward for 3 weeks to try and stabilize him.
He's home now but still not right, gets very agitated very easily. I think he's worse now than when he went in.
The last time he was hospitalized was July, 2002 for the whole month. If you recall, the weather was exactly like it is now, every day in the high 80's every day for about a month so far.
Another thing I've noticed, when it's hot like this, he tends to where black clothes and sweat shirts and a b-ball hat with a "rag" underneath. The same as last time. I wonder if this is part of the condition because I haven't found any liturature on it.