Kavrozeus said...
I think I might have Bipolar Disorder, I am 18 and have never been to a therapist or licensed professional (in fact I have never seen a dentist before and had one physical when I was like 13), but there is so much chaos in my head, I have had all the symptoms like illusions of grandeur, episodes where I will stare in the mirror picking at any little imperfection I can get my hands on, screaming matches in my head to the point where my head hurts, and periods of mania followed by crashes into deep manic depression. I am approaching senior year of high school (September birthday complications put me one year behind) and still living at home. I feel trapped, I am in summer school to recover from the destruction I did to my grades last year, and I am already seeing a come-back in the summer school program now, and I am afraid that I will fail high school. I keep on telling my mom that I want to see a specialist just to give me an all clear (only until recently did the pain in my head get to a point where I cannot just resolve things in my head like I always could, before I thought I was fine with hearing voices, talking to imaginary beings in imaginary realms, and having my regular mood swings, but things have gotten so hard and I feel so lost). I keep on seeing myself in a therapist's office crying in his (I always imagine a male therapist) arms asking to just make it stop and just don't let me suffer alone. My strength is failing and I cannot go on like this, I need help and feel so trapped, no one will listen and an assignment is due tomorrow and I don't want to fail summer school too. I don't know what to do, I can't sleep with all this pandemonium in my head, it hurts; it's like my mind is cracking, like the foundation of myself is crumbling and I am disintegrating and falling into some chasm, that is what it feels like. I am so afraid that this will never stop. I have all these amazing ideas and passions and nowhere to go with them, meanwhile I am caged with a cracking mind and a damaged heart. I have been gay for two years now, almost three now, and experience regular crushes and crumbles as I call them, where I will see myself in a relationship with a guy, blind to any evidence contradicting my belief that a particular person is gay, and then I will realize the impossibility of the dream and go into a depressed and lonely state where life seems worthless and barren. I have issues with sexuality, being eighteen doesn't help of course, but I have already developed an insatiable sexual appetite that makes things worse because it causes all of my friendships (especially with guys) to crumble, leaving me feeling even more alone. I don't know what to do, where to go, or how to go on living like this, I don't know if I have bipolar, I might, otherwise I have this fear that I am just a sick, twisted, perverted, and narcissistic person. I go through these stages of exaltation where I feel like a god, and then days later stages of belittlement where I will look at myself and all aspects of my life, past present and future, with disgust. I have been picking at my skin all over since I was like 11 or 12, and haven't stopped. I have pinkish colored spots all over my fingers and feet, I have acne scars all over my shoulders and back. Sometimes I feel like my body is falling apart, like I am wasting away, and it terrifies me. I have moments where I feel like I have some extraordinary destiny and other moments when I do not fear death, and other moments when I welcome death like an old friend, where I wish I would just die and save the world and myself the pain and struggle. I know I need help regardless of my mental health, but this is a lead I am investigating, I just don't know how to tell my mom that I really need help and that I think something is really wrong inside my head.