Hi Everyone,
I know it's been awhile since I've been in the forum or in chat rooms, but a lot has happened, and finally some GOOD stuff has happened!
As some of you may know I've been looking for a new job since January, particularly in the Cleveland, Ohio area, well after months of frustration I decided to open up my search to encompass the entire United States. I was sick of sitting at home, waiting up constantly for a boyfriend who could NEVER seem to be home and gaining weight constantly!
As of July 11 I got a job in State College, PA, moved out on my own, and changed my medication from Sereoquel, Lithium and Lexapro to Lamictal and Lexapro-and I feel SO MUCH better. I've lost some water weight and now walk my dog everyday after work, the weight loss is slow, but I'm trying to eat healthier (my depression and apathy led me to settling for tons of take out and my boyfriend's poor eating habits left me with far too many empty pizza boxes!). I know I didn't gain it all in a few weeks so I know it's going to take some time. I plan on joining a gym soon, but for right now I'm enjoying the quiet time I have with my dog.
My relationship is currently up in the air. I've been in long distance relationships before and they've never worked out. My boyfriend has a sickly, depressed and needy mother, a family that guilts him into doing anything and an uncanny ability to be CONSTANTLY irresponsible with his money. Even if I were to break up with him I'm in no condition to look for a new boyfriend, but everyday I can feel myself pulling away from him. For once in about two years I'm living the way I want to live and doing what I want to do and I'm glad I have that back!
I'm still working on my bipolar-I have to find a new pdoc and maybe a therapist. I still have a lot of fears of not meeting people and being alone, but I have a lot of people interaction in my job and sometimes it's nice to come home to a quiet house!
Anyway, as soon as I get my home computer back on I'll be back, but I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't disappeared!
Take care of yourselves!
Kelly (aka-Keldew)