Hi, i usaully post in the lupus forum, but I have two children with special needs, and have questions on some medications that my son is taking, he is bipolar we discovered this when he was being treated for adhd, and the stimulants really upset him, very aggitated and depressed, he went manic on the antidepressants, and in his words said he was going crazy. Resperidal worked well for a while, but there was tremendous weight gain in a short period of time, so he was switched to geodon, as my duaghter is on Geodon and is doing well with it in combination with prozac and buspar, she aslo takes an acidopholis supplement to keep yeast infectins at bay. She is 6 she is mildy autistic, and tourettes, she will manifest with some biploar traits, but more so the tourettes than anything, as with very early intervention the autsim is fading more and more, it rears its head when she becomes very anxious or frustrated, or scared, but for the most part she is is overcoming the autism (except for appropriate social ediqitte)( i cant spell!! sorry)But the desire for friends is there, and that is good. So she is fairly stable at this time. My son is not, after he was switched to geodon it did nothing, he was put back on resperidal, and even at higher doses it never did have the same effect as it had before, so the benifits were not outweighing the risks, at this time his pediatircian had been prescribing, and said you have got to get him a phychiatrist, he needs medications, but what exactly he needs is the question, so finally after searcing on my insurance for one that would take children that was not over 100 miles away form me, I found one. He has been on the seroquel for about
1.5 weeks, slowly going up he is a t 75mgs now, I see no improvemnet at all, he fights the sleep, but when he is asleep he will sleep sound for 8 or more hours, but he was doing that before. He had been on no meds for about
2 months as his pediatircian said we should wean him off the reseperidal as there was no benifits. He will be 11 in nov, he looks about
15, with all the hormones to go with it, so I know that is adding to his issues as well. This phychiatrist we found wanted to try seroquel mainly becasue the Abilify was gonna to be twice as much of a co-pay for me, so we went with the Seroquel, but I beleive when we go back he is going to switch to the Abilify, I am wanting to know if any one has had any expeience with both of these two medications, and how they affected them, i know most posts on this forum are in regards to adults, but any help would be appreciated, he is as big as an adult. It seems the seroquel is not doing anything, he was not having a problem sleeping once he fell alsleep(with no meds at all), and its still pretty much the same, how is the seroquel suppose to affect him in the day, he is able to control his anger and mood swings at school to some degree but will explode at home over everything and anything. He seems quite opposed to taking anything that will making him sleepy(which I can relate to especially if its during the day)but he is taking the seroquel at night about
8.00 so about
9.00 he should be wanting and needing to be sleepy shouldnt he??, from what I read on the Abilify, its suppose to not only help stabilize mood swings but also help with depression, and he seems quite depressed, despite what we do for him. I realize having a younger sister with issues of her own is quite hard on him, and we do the best we can to adapt and give them both what they need, emotionally, spirtually,finacially and such. So I am wanting to know the difference between the Abilify and the seroquel, and how each is suppose to affect the bipolar person.Is the Abilify taken in the morning or night? In the past he presented with more mania, and impulsiveness, and destruction, but did not seem as depressed as he is now,he can still be quite manic but in a more angry way, he has always talked a zillion miles an hour with or with out meds, I think that is inherited, I talk quite abit myself, but I am no match for him!! Manic depressive, and anxiety, schizohrenia, an some obesity runs in my line of the family, so I really worry about
him, also geniuos IQ runs down my line expect for me( I am average, i am thinking this is good!!), as I am learning Genious in itself can be a disorder, and all the members of my family who I mentioned with these disorders were had or have very high IQs, and my son gets straight A's without trying, without paying attention, he draws while she intsrtucts, and he aces the tests, how can he do this!! It just baffles me. his pediatrican thinks he is still adhd and bipolar, but since he is so smart he is able to get around the attention deficit part, how though??
I believe I am adhd myself, as when I was a child my mother had her phych put me on ritilan, I went to sleep, and if not sleeping I was hyperfocused on a blank tv screen, I am thinking that if I was not adhd I would have been bouncing off the walls?? I take Zoloft for depression, and its suppose to help anxiety, but it does not, but I cope the best I can with all thats on my plate right now, anyways sorry for such a long story, just want others experiences with the seroquel and the ABilify, his new doctor seems to think the Abilify will be good, I am hoping he will give samples to try first as its a 60.00 co-pay. ANy info or thoughts would be grealty appriciated, thanks in advance.....
Please someone reply, I notice I di nt get to many responses when I post here, Maybe becuse its a child and not an adult, but I wil take any experience thats adults have had with these meds as well, please let me knwo of anyones experiences with the meds, thanks you!!