Hello! I'm not entirely sure what to throw in here for my introduction so I'll basically just do some bullet points
I'm a 25 year old guy, bipolar 2, managed to find an absolutely wonderful girl who puts up with me (I can be a sarcastic jerk lol) who I've been living with for about
2 years
I'm currently on Lamictil 200 mg I think (memory is bad... Real bad) and 1 mg abilify which I take in the morning.
So on to the reason I was inspired to join this community! Disturbing dreams! Yay! It's currently 4 am over here on the west coast and I'm afraid to go back to sleep because of the dreams. Still vaguely sure the creepy little girl from my dream (who gnaws her fingers off and bleeds profusely) is going to be standing next to me when I look up.
I have been doing some research on this and I understand that both Lamictil and abilify can cause dream issues but the Lamictil side seems to be more when you first start and the abilify side looks to be more night terrors.
I would absolutely adore any input on this because getting 3 hours of sleep only works for so long (even with the magical manic superpowers).