Gosh Ellie, did you read my post from yesterday. i feel real bad sweetie, I know how it is to feel like you are the person being the caretaker, housekeeper, personal chef, financial advisor...etc... I think you need to do something about
your living conditions. You need a room designated for you to go to when you get real bad, so your children won't be affected by mommy crying. I know it's hard, my daughter has seen me, now i go to the bathroom and lock the door. We have 8 rooms in this house, but the bathroom is the only one with a lock on it. You need an escape place hon. Can your kids help with chores, how old are they? Is your husband blind that you are not well. You need to be on any meds that help you, he needs to sacrifice his s*** then. It's frustrating, I kinda go through the same stuff, but my house is huge and I only live with 2 other people. I wish I could offer more words, but I can't , you have my support. One more question, does your daughter and your grandaughter live with you? Not to be nosy or mean , if she is living with you , is it because she cannot make it on her own? You need support from your family, especillay your husband. I am here if you ever need to talk , k Ellie.