I'm finishing my first week of meds----37.5 mg of Effexor XR once/day-----and 50mg of Seroquel at bedtime (i started at 100mg first nite, but woke up groogy---called pdoc & he said i could cut dose in half). Anyway--Seroquel does make me sleep well----Effexor gives me a dry mouth (no big deal)----but, when i take my walk---i sweat more than usual (it is hot & humid). I read on the "searches" on Seroquel that increased sweating is a sometime side effect---but, besides my other problems---i'm an incurable hypochondriac!!!! My wife said she's gonna hide the computer (poor woman)----i was reading where incresed sweating along with other things (Which i do NOT have)----are potential serious side effects (some strange neuro diseases)-----Any others who are on Seroquel and/or Effexor XR---have increased sweating.......& not worry about
it being a "serious side effect"??? Psych Nurse.....where are you??? And, scaredy cat...or anyone---to put my mind at rest...
this side effect---otherwise I'm feeling OK......Robert