Hi to all, I am extremely tired. Had mandatory extra 3 hrs. in lab tonight, been at school since 9:00a.m. just getting home at 9:00pm. Anyways, i can't seem to think about
anything but school. Funny thing though , I was learning some more instruments in school today and there are 3 that are called bipolar. I almost ran outta the room laughing, I said to myself well I definately won't forget these 3 . Ha ha .... Also gettting to know the girls at school better, feeling a little better and safer. You know we will be together for another 1.5 , so it's good to be close. We are all stressed and we know what each one is going through , so it's like here support for one another. I just have an extra issue. I don't know how I am feeling, sound strange? I don't know if I am content, good , bad.... I really think I am just here soaking it all in. Doc appointment for Sat. , I was going for med readjustment, but have to add a few other problems to that( sugar messed up again , cold won't go away, thinking it's bronchitits). Anyways, i just wanted to let ya know, I won't be on that much his week well the rest of it. Cracking down on the books. Try to get my sugar deal fixed too. Shannon i ate steamed veggies at school yesterday, blah..... but it is a start. That's my problem I will go so long and do really well with what I am suppose to then, bam all the sudden I feel like the food gets to be the same and boring. I cannot cook either. So like what the heck am i suppose to do live on salads. Yuck, well not all the time. Anyhow, I hope all is well in cyber world, with all my buddies. Shannon sweetie, what the heck are we playing phone tag or what? I will try to call ya this weekend. Sorry to hear you aren't doing so well. you got the 2 dayer effect going on huh? Yeah it sucks. When did you see your pdoc, was it lately? I think you said you did but you know me, miss forgetful. Just really got to much on my mind, I do listen though. Ellie glad to see you are doing better, and Patti nice to see apost by ya. You are not psycho
. Just a little well like me, lol. Just kiddin ya. Miss ya. Sandra I am not sure you said how you were doing. Have you been busy lately? Dana if your out there hello to you also. Did I leave someone out ? oh yep, Putter your words are always comforting. Okay roll call done. Well not really Shannon 2 , ho the he** are ya, and school? Okay all done. Gotta get that all in.... (((((((((( Hugs))))))))))))))) to all and let me tell ya something funny I heard from a Bipolar person, She no longer takes her meds, and told me it's mind over matter Nickie. I cracked up and told her yeah sure is your actions say it all. HAHAHA... What a trippin character, a BP telling another BP that? I was totally offended and appauled, oh I also told her she shouldn't be allowed to be Bipolar with such a Tom Cruise attitude, I was pissed. I know we all shouldn't be allowed to be Bp, but hey I was just talkin and being mean. One good thing about
us is I feel that we are more intelligent and creative. Might I add a more in depth thinker to that. She came back with and how are your meds helping you exactly? Yeah i wanted to f***** smack her, but that really would of made me like nuts and extreme. But who was self medicating, ahhhhhhhh not me she was. Talkin trash outta her a**. Hey that rhymed anyways, please don't take no offense to the you shouldn't be allowed to have BP, I know we all don't want to be BIpolar, it was merely frustration and anger on my part. I know it's not a club, or anything. Relax, no mean emails please.
I would do anything to trade places with ummmmmmmm... Tom Cruise or John Travolta. Yeah RIGHT!!!
Okay I am getting way to silly and Jason wants to play poker . I gotta go beddy by...