My dear "compatriots" here at HW. Please, if you can--read my post in the "Panic disorders & Aniety".....entitled.."SOMEONE, ANYONE..".
I put the post there & am posting here, because--I'm not sure what the heck is going on w me.
Quickly summarizing---Am BP-2----presently weaning off of Effexor XR (37.5mg)---But also taking Seroquel---for sleep--started at 100mg...made me groggy....went to 50 mg---then pdoc-put me up to 75mg......Now, I'm noticing STRANGE "breathing irregularities" when i go to bed at nite. My hear feels like it's pounding---THEN.....right before going off to sleep--I wake up--as it feels like me BREATHING STOPS!!! Not an apnea...I'm NOT off to sleep---just like my inhalation is INTERUPPTED!!! Scary.....feels like i'm gonna die!!! One my breathing just stopped!! Last nite on 3 occasions.....felt like my "Inhale" cycle was stopped....!!!!
I read some research on Seoquel---DOES mention---strong hearbeat AND.."breathing difficulties"...! AGAIN...not difficult breathing.....more like my breating pattern gets screwed up. ONE i get to sleep----O'm OK...
For more detail read my other post! But, Please---could someone who can share something similar get back---COULD it be...the Seroquel??? ANY feedback is appreciated---blessings--Robert