Posted 2/20/2022 1:52 AM (GMT 0)
Hi, soz mate, but yes it is a common element for some not seek treatment, that we are all
in the head, you know the word. What is happening is some psychosis i feel, some rapid cycling
between moods, which is very quick, unlike a mixed mood disorder.
Yes, you can't help at this stage. Ultimatums are useless at this time.
Best you advise local psych services, etc. Give info on supports in the public, even if it is trashed in the bin.
At this point your safety can be at issue, especially if the person has a prolonged episode of hypomania, that usually becomes psychosis The informing of psych, and the police can be confidential as well.
When and if treatment happens, the chemicals in the brain will stabilise, it
is a chemical imbalance; and what is happening to the person is usually on the same level of the
person, but with a chaotic mind, this is what happens with bi polar.
Many do recover, like myself, but did so wanting help, slow process
seeking assistance for some is frightning. I engage, do voluntary work, do live experience stuff
on hospital and mental government processes, and do some gigs at Uni to teach med students.
Mostly people with this disorder are so creative, so intellectual, do some research and it
will blow your mind.
For your own mental health space is required. Yes it is all about the person wanting
help, when readiness comes around, this is when you are supportive, but with a caviat, yes.
Hope this helps,