your friend is setting himself up to fail. he may be saying all of the right words, but look at his behaviors and actions. he could get help from the pdoc (if the pdoc actually exists), but he decides to elect out of therapy. he is going to stop drinking, but decides, again, to "be macho" and go it cold turkey. yeah. right. heard those things before. as i learned to say whilst in england, "the other one has bells!" but he can then turn around and say, "but i TRIED!" bull hookie.
and, you, girl. i can hear you saying, "but i LOVE him." sounds like my granddaughter. makes me want to puke my guts out. I WANT TO KNOW WHERE YOU (AND MY GRANDDAUGHTER) FIND THESE LOOSERSS!
save yourself, rosie. it's not too late for you.
seriously, kid. i know you care a great deal about this man. but it may be better to see how he is if he grows up.