I was wondering how bad it is to be sleep deprived while on Lithium. I am not purposley getting limited sleep but am forced to because of school. I had an assignment given last night that was due the next morning. So, I stayed up late finishing it and only got about
3.5 hours of sleep. Most of my classmates are in the same situation, so it is not just me. My next two Tuesday nights are going to be similar were I have to stay up late finishing paperwork.
I was able to finish the assignment, get up the next morning, and function throughout the day. However, when I came home I just crashed. I know if you are bipolar you should avoid not getting enough sleep because it can upset your mood. However, if you don't get enough sleep while on lithium, does that make you even more tired? I wish I didn't have to function like this but am kind of forced to. Today the instructor criticized me and I felt really emotional about it. I went home and started to cry about it. Part of me knows that the only reason it mattered so much was because I was so exhausted. I want to say something about how I can't function without enough sleep but I don't want to go into personal deatails either. Can being sleep deprived one day a week seriously affect your mood?