Hi there Gaz , it's really nice to hear from you.
It sounds like you're winning the battle
Please don't get embarassed by your past , because that's in the past , you have a bright new future ahead of you - the only time you need look at these things that have happened is to learn from experience and spread knowledge and understanding to others.
Well done for shunning the alcohol - I've fallen into that trap a lot of times , feeling like crud or really stressed I'll have a drink and my problems melt away only to come back tenfold....NOT nice at all - now I have hot milk with grated nutmeg , and yes , going to bed at the right time DEFFINATELY helps.
The punchbag idea is great - me and OH have been mulling this one over for a while now , as you have to find a sturdy ceiling joist to hang it from unless you prefer the ones for speed boxing , but whatever you choose you'll get a great workout from it which helps relaxation and releases the feel good chemicals in your body that fight depression.
I wish you well , take care ,