It seems as if all the AD's have finally worked their way out of my system. I have a houseful of company. Kids are everywhere, dogs barking. I don't think I've ever had a headache this bad in my life, Now in addition to being the biggest b***h ever, I'm back in bed again. My ex has made his displeasure quite obvious, as have my two older daughters. I've tried to explain "Mixed Episode" which my ex promptly told me is BS and that I'm just being this way to make everyone miserable. I admit that I am ruining this visit for everyone, but I can guarantee that there is noone in this house more miserable than myself. At least they have the option to leave, (which I made very loud and clear last night)
The pdoc won't put me on new AD's until next week, so this just has to be survived, if I can. What a joy to take this walk through he** with such abounding support of my family.