Hi Guys,
So depressed today. I got the best news ever this week about going to school, but bipolar doesn't care. Its symptoms have flooded into me anyway. It's kinda been like this all week; except I was feeling mixed.
I've felt extremely confused this week, not knowing exactly where my mood was. There was a lot of depressive symptoms, but I was able to do some things. I wasn't crying. I just felt so restless all week, irritable, depressed...but then sometimes I would feel good, have energy. I don't understand the mixed episodes. How long do they normally last? I don't think I was rapid-cycling this past week, I don't know...
I'm trying to read about this in a book I picked up last week, but I was wondering if I could hear from you guys about what your mixed episodes are like if you have them.
Ugh, I can't believe this depression. I did not want my bf to leave for work today. He was hugging me when I told him I wasn't feeling well today, and I just wanted and needed him to stay with me today. I hope he's not too late from work tonight. I just feel awful that I'm feeling this way when I have such good news to be happy about. I hate this illness, I really, really do.