Mr. T,
Welcome to the HW family and to the Bipolar Forum, I am really glad you found us.
I have been on lithium for over a year now, and only had brief complications, but it was all resolved. Technically you are supposed to have gotten bloodwork before starting on lithium, to make sure all your levels are okay. But you'll probably be fine, you are on a very low dose of lithium, and toxicity is not common on such a low dose. If you are really worried you should mention it to your Dr. and work something out. He will probably request that you get bloodwork done soon, probably after the next time he raises your dose.
Then after a therapudic dose is reached (which can take 6-8 weeks), you are supposed to get bloodwork every 3-6 months. I used to get mine done every other months because my levels were always weird, at least when I first started lithium.
SLEEP (lack of sleep, sleep problems) is a very common problem among people with mood disorders. Wow, 100mg of seroquel used to knock me out like there is no tomorrow. I am surprised that the Rohypnol is not working for you, it is considered a heavy hypnotic and is not even available in the US as a prescription.
You should not mix what your Dr. has not approved with your prescription (I am not saying don't take it at all, just have a talk with your Dr. first). You never know what the long term affects will be. What OTC Rx are you taking, just curious. You should mentions all you questions and concerns during your next Dr. visit. Best Wishes!