Hi Kathy,
In my prayers for your nephews wife. I see life has dealt you some hard knocks too! There is not enough cyberspace to list the ones I have encountered lately from breast cancer. So I totally understand!
Many years ago I was going through a hard time as well, everything seemed to go wrong, all big - none little if you know what I mean. I was venting to a friend about it and in a flip manner said, "God and I need to have a talk because I just don't know how much more I can take." My friend gently placed his hand on mine and said, "HE is listening." It wasn't until then I realized I hadn't asked God for help. I did talk to HIM and HE did listen. I found new paths and new windows that led to better things and am sure you and your family will as well.
God and I are working through another troublesome time now as mentioned. I pray for guidance and help and each hard knock so far as been answered with tons of support from unexpected places and where to get help.
My prayers are with and wish you all well,