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How Concerned Should I Be?
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Breast Cancer
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Regular Member
Joined : Sep 2008
Posts : 27
Posted 2/9/2009 3:26 PM (GMT 0)
Hello. New here, but I have noticed the high level of knowledge and genuine corcern for each other. I am 53 and seem to have dense lumpy breasts. At my last checkup there are lumps in both breasts that seem somewhat symmetrical. My regular mammagram is scheduled for March. One day I am so worried of what this is and can think of nothing else and then another I say well it is ok. Is there anyone out there that can give me some experience, guidance, or help with some information about
lumps in both breasts. My doctor was very vague and said they seem moveable and that I was to have a mammagram in March anyway. Sometimes I think the lumps are pretty equal and then sometimes I think may be similar in each breast but not exact in size or shape. I guess I am a worry wart and waiting a whole month for the mammagram has me pretty much stressed out.
I wish everyone on this board all the best. You all have such great spirit and I admire all of you so much. I wish I had just a small percentage of your courage. Thanks in advance for any input you can give me.
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/11/2009 4:55 PM (GMT 0)
My favorite bit of advice is not to worry until you know you have something to worry about
. It is stressful to worry about
everything and anything. Just get that mammogram and keep getting them at regular intervals. This may not prevent breast cancer but gives you a better chance of early detection which is very important.
We do have many woman who are at various levels of breast cancer here. Unfortunately it seems that most of us seem to be be reading and checking in that way rather than posting. Let us know how your mammogram goes because we do care. Hugs MK
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/12/2009 2:02 AM (GMT 0)
A month may seem like a long time to wait when you are worried, but really, it's not. I had a mammogram that showed a "mass" in my remaining breast, and even with my history of breast cancer, I had to wait six weeks before I could get back in for more tests that showed there was no mass. We spend a lot of time around here doing the "hurry up and wait" routine. So I agree with MK. Try not to worry until you know you have something to worry about
. And good luck to you! I hope it turns out to be nothing but plain old lumpy breasts.
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Posted 2/13/2009 11:15 PM (GMT 0)
I know what you mean. I got my mammo two weeks ago--been getting them every year since age 34, except I skipped last year, and am now 50 and got that dread letter to come back for more testing. I wouldn't worry except that my Mom and best friend both died in 2005 within 6 months of each other from breast cancer! I am trying not to worry until i have something to worry about
but it is annoying that the letter says "Call us right away" but they can't see you for three weeks (LOL). I keep telling myself that even if there is something it is small--can't feel nothing--and the odds are in my favor etc. Sometimes I feel like this is my punishment for skipping a year (LOL LOL). I haven't told my lover yet because why worry him until there is something to worry about
, right? Positive thinking, that is the cure. (Plus an occassional wine).
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Posted 2/18/2009 6:44 AM (GMT 0)
My dad is 53 too. i am concerned his health. But he refused to see the doctors.
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Joined : Mar 2009
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Posted 3/11/2009 3:14 AM (GMT 0)
Hello, I am new here as well. I found this forum while I was researching info on calcium in the breast. I had a mammogram a few wks ago and it came back with the doctor put it. So I had to go back for a second just on my right breast. They then call me up and tell me that they want me to go see a surgeon. I went to see the surgeon who could not feel anything by a breast exam so they have set up an appt for a breast MRI. He said that there is calcification in my right breast. The one thing that makes me nervous is that my Mother had a masectomy after battling breast cancer. They really aren't telling me much which also makes me nervous.
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