My name is Georgia and I live in Texas. In 1997 I had a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction with implants. I was covered with health insurance through the federal government. I had already had, at age 48, at least 7 surgical biopsies and multiple needle aspirations for lumps. I was still getting them and refused any more biopsies from my surgeon, who opposed a prophylactic mastectomy. I changed surgeons and he supported my wish to have the mastectomy. The insurance company approved it and it was done. I have never regretted that decision. Just make sure you find a good, board-certified plastic surgeon. I still get mammograms and so far so good but no more surgeries and fear.
Good luck. It sounds like that would be the right decision for you. By the way, I have no family history of breast cancer except in a paternal aunt and one first cousin on my mother's side. My insurance company still approved it. For them it was less expensive than all those surgical biopsies.