Cyndy: I am a little late answering your post but hoping that your appt with your stem cell dr went well. I have been on the weekly herceptin and Navelbene since Nov, 2003. I had spots on my liver when I was redignosed. According to the last PET scan (Feb) my liver was clear. I have another PET scan scheduled for later this month. My tumor tag results were all over the charts for awhile also. I get them checked every 4 weeks when I see my onco. So, hang in there. Hopefully, your counts will start to drop soon. I have been on Zometa (as the treatment was on 15 mins compared to 90 for another bone strengthener). My onco told me last week that it has been found that the Zometa is causing jaw tissue to die and teeth to fall out. If you are taking this med, please check with your onco. How is your pain level? Are you taking meds to help with it? We are all here for you. Whatever you need.