Hi Everyone,
This is my first post. I am a little nervous cause I was called back for a second mammo which I had today. Then I had to have an ultrasound and then they told me this. They said that because they did not see on the ultrasound what they saw on the mammogram, they want to do a stereotactic biopsy and to come back in 10 days. Has this happened to anyone. I thought the ultrasound was golden and they can see everything on them very clearly which is why they do them. Should I worry. Of course I am going to worry. I am trying to stay positive. I am 43 and have no history, but I know that doesn't matter anymore. The tech said that in years past, they would usually tell a person to come back in 6 mos but today they want to be more sure. I guess this is a good thing, right? Anyone gone through this? Please share your experience. Thank you.