Hi all. I am new to this forum, and I am hoping someone's experiences are similar enough to provide some ideas of how to move forward. A little background - this is not my first bout of issues with my left breast. I had benign cysts removed about
5 years ago from that side.
In April 2012, I went to see my OB/GYN with the complaint of breast pain that feels constant, aching, and sometimes burning. Additionally, just touching that breast makes me almost nauseaus. I had been experiencing it since about November or December of 2011 and am one of those who just doesn't go to the doctor unless I start to really get concerned. At that point, I was. She did not feel any lumps but didn't want to ignore it. I was sent for a unilateral mammo and diag. ultrasound. The radiologist did not see anything of concern but referred me on to the breast surgeon. Here is where I got angry...the breast surgeon couldn't open the pictures on the disc from the US and so didn't bother to try very hard. Based on the mammo of just the left breast, her suggestions were these:
1) come off of my prescription antidepressant and reflux medications
2) stop drinking caffeine
3) lose weight
4) take ibuprofen daily
I followed her instructions to a T. I have not had a coffee or soda since that appointment, nor have I taken my medications....consequently, I have lost nearly 20lbs. I don't take ibuprofen as often as instructed but when I do, I don't feel much relief. The final word was that I was to start follow up mammos (bilateral from now on) every 6 months.
NOW - on to recently. about 2 weeks ago, the pain started to get increasingly worse. This week, it started spreading up into my armpit and straight through to my back. I have an appointment with my OB/GYN again on Thursday and I am hoping to go in armed with questions, ideas, suggestions, etc. The pain is now to the point where I have considered going to the ER, but I really hate the idea of doing that.
Side note - I have not felt the need for my antidepressents or reflux meds because part of how I managed to lose weight and avoid my soda and coffee was that I started drinking Visalus shakes. They have done wonders for the symptoms I was taking medications for as well as my weight, energy, and overall feeling of well-being EXCEPT the pain in my breast.
I am posting in the breast cancer forum because every time I do a search for what I am experiencing, the first results are "breast cancer", even though all posts suggest that pain is not typically associated with cancer, but can be.
So, does anyone have any ideas or experiences like this that can give me ideas of what to say to my doctor if she doesn't seem as vigilant as the last time I saw her?
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!