Hope someone may have expeirenced what I am going threw and can possible shed a little light for me!
I am a 35 yr old no known breast cancer in the family, I went in Dec for annualy gyno exam, during the brest exam she found a lump, she assured me it was more likely just a cyst, scheduled me for a mamogram for Dec 21st 2012 Went and had the mamogram, were a mass was detected so they did a ultrasound the same day, The dr then decieded i should have a core needle biopsy, Which was scheduled for 3 days laters Dec 24. The core needle biopsy was pretty easy and painfree much to my surprise.
She said resutls should be back in a few days, I got a call from her on Thursday and this is what she said, Your preliminary results looked "ok", But ive set you up a appointment to talk to a surgeon because I think it should be removed. Then she proceded to tell me she is going out of town thats why she called didnt want to to "wait". And she would turn my chart over to have someone call me, Its didnt all comprehend untill I talked to my husband and he was like so its benign? I was like ummm I dont know, so i waited, for about a week them called the office and got to talk to the nurse that was in the room during the biopsy she put me on hold them came back and said Kim we havent got your results back yet. Today marks two weeks and I have yet to hear anything eles from anyone! I have my appointment this Friday to talk to the surgeon.
Has anyone eles went threw something like this? I still dont know what the actual results are! I wont say Im freaking out, But aggravated that I still have no answers!
Anyone, Someone, HELP! :)