I have been on a 2 1/2 year quest to figure out why I have this chronic "intractable pain" after lung cancer surgery. Thoracotomy and 1/2 of upper left lobe of lung removed. in my search I have come across many, many women who have the type and area of pain after mastectomy. maybe same nerves cut, not sure. have not worn a bra in 2 1/2 years, pain can be burning or crushing and feels like someone is squeezing or constricting your ribcage until you cannot breathe. Have tried EVERY drug and accupuncture etc and the only thing that works is oxycodone every 6 hrs. hate taking it but the pain never waxes or wanes and it is excruciating...it's pain meds or zero quality of life. It's just a lead that may help or not, don't know. my pain doc also prescibed a compound cream from a pharmacy in northen nj that is small % of keto, lido, baclo, cyclo and gabapentin. (sorry you;ll have to look-up others) and it does seem to help a bit. my 8 inch incision goes from my shoulderblade under armpit and breast to solar-plexus area. sort of like a half-circle. also had bad brachial plexus pain after but that went away.
There is an extensive article on "Post Thoracotomy Pain Syndrome" on the NIH site if I recall.
Thinking of trying marijuana now after watching the cnn shows "weed" with dr sanjay gupta. only if just a little relief and therefore maybe less meds.
Somehow I know there's a connection with these 2 syndromes.
good luck to you all
Hopefully a lead to speak to your doctors about.