Hey Bev, Yes, I think Joannie would really think chicken bones as being politically correct was a hoot. Yeah for no changes on your MRI.
I had a scare last week>>had coronary calcium scan, shows calcium in coronary arteries,( which was negative, yeah!). Anyway, the scan showed a patchy infiltrate in lung. So, of course we panicked. Chest ct showed scarring, probably from radiation. Breast cancer, the gift that keeps on giving!
When I found this board I wrote you a long email, but address with HealingWell didn't work. Hate when that happens. Sounds like you have been having some "challenges". My husband retired almost 2 years ago and we moved to Lincoln to be near grandbabies. DH is building a log home for us on a piece of pasture we bought. Hope to move in March or April. We are going to Arizona for January in motorhome. Will be first time trying to be a snowbird. Warmth will be nice, but I will miss the grandbabies. We are going to be grandparents again in June. Can's wait!
Sounds like both of have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Got to get ready to watch the Huskers get badly beat by the Buffaloes of Colorado.
Love and Hugs, Marge