Glad that you have us along your side as you start this incredible journey. First, take a breath. Your mind is racing no doubt, and it will race for some time. The next few weeks will be a whirlwind of information, tests, appointments and decisions. My advice is to get as much information as you can to make the best decision for you....and take a person and tape recorder with you to all appointments for a while.
One thing you will learn is that they will use statistics and generalities to estimate the course of events, but no one can tell for sure what your case will be. I know of people with tiny tumors that had spread or returned and others with big giant tumors that had no node involvement and no further sign of trouble.
They will do tests to assign a stage to you, your stage will tell them the normal protocol. A stage 1 or 2 is considered early, it means it has not spread outside the nodes. If that size is right, at best, yours will be a stage II, like mine was. I think that 2.0 cm is the cut off for stage I, and mine was 2.5. Stage II goes up to 5 mine was at the smaller end of a good is yours.
My diagnosis was over 6 years ago and I have been lucky enough to remain cancer free....survival rates are excellent these days!
The lumpectomy is pretty easy physically....and they will dissect the tumor to see just what it is and get more information on how it behaves. They will probaly want to do some scans to see your lungs, bones an liver and also remove some lymph nodes. All that will tell them how to proceed with treatment, but don't be surprised of chemo is mentioned.
Chemo is very doable these days, antinausea meds are great! I worked through most of chemo and had no adverse side effects, as many people experience.
Everyone's experience is so unique, that no one can tell you what will be yours...we can only tell you ours and you go from there. But know you are going to fight like heck and we'll be on your side....
Where are you located? We are all over, maybe one of us is close to you...
Hang in there~