Has anyone had one of these? I had to go to the ER early Sat. morning for severe abdominal pain (think labor pains). They thought it was my gall bladder so I had a CT scan, then had to come back the following day for an abdominal u/s. The u/s revealed polyps in my gall bladder (3 of them), and on Mon. my family doc said that they found lesions on my sacrialiac (sp?). I now have to get a DEXA scan to check for more lesions and/or figure out what they are (I guess--I was in shock mode after having that bombshell dropped on me and my mind faltered for questions). Can anyone tell me what to expect? All the info I can find is for osteoperosis. I have to wait 2 wks. for the scan as I was giving barium for the CT and was told to stop taking my calcium 48 hrs. prior to the scan. She said to wear loose clothes w/no snaps or metal and that was about
it, although she is sending me some more info.
The doc did say that the lesions did not appear aggressive at this time, however since they couldn't tell for sure they suggested the DEXA scan. For once they don't want to play the "wait and see game" so that scares me even more. I know this isn't BC related, but I don't know where else to go?