Tammy: Each of us has moments when we wonder if the cancer will come back. I am one that had a recurrance after 3 yrs. I took chemo for 2 yrs, weekly, and this Jan got an "all clear" again! I have told my story several times. But I will share the stories of my grandmothers. In 1959 my maternal grandmother was diagnosed w/ bc. She had a mastectomy. Back then they removed all of the lymph nodes, muscles, etc. They grafted skin from her hips, thighs and legs. She was bandaged from chest to her toes. It was a horrid operation. They didn't have chemo either. She was only 4'5". But she lived to be 89 (1983.) She never gave up. We caught her sweeping her kitchen floor, using her one good arm, and holding the dustpan inbetween her toes.(she didn't have indoor plumbing or running water) Whenever I get down, I remember the courage and strength that she had. My paternal grandmother was 81 when she called me and said that she was going to have a double mast the next day. I stopped her and got an opinion from an oncologist that I trusted. She had radiation for 6 weeks (had to travel 90 mins each way) She never complained. She died of natural causes when she was 98.
So don't be afraid of the doubts that creep in your mind every so often but remember that there are many survival stories of brave women that beat the odds.