Hi to all,
Tamoxifen is still a good "starter" drug, even with the minimal side effects if you're ER+. It works a different way on estrogen than Arimidex, Femara and the like.
The Arimidex and its counterparts does have one BIG side effect that I hope your docs have told you about. It really works a number on your bone density and you should be on some sort of calcium and Vit. D supplement - 1200 mils a day I was told.
I took tamox. for 5 years and then started Femara, which I have since stopped. My bone density studies went from wonderful before to not so good afterwards. Anyway, ask your doctor.
mast - Sep., '97, ER/PR+++, chemo, rads, tamox, 2 pos. nodes, 2.5 cm tumor - Soon NINE years NED.