Hi All -
Brand new to the forum. I've been reading alot of the related forums to breast cancer and decided that I can get some honest, first hand opinions and advice here. I've been trying to read up about all of this breast density cancer connection, but I haven't really read much on anyone stating that they were diagnosed with breast density and it turned out to be cancer, but of course I'm a little worried about the dx.
A couple months ago I found a large lump which I thought was in my rt breast. I watched it for a couple months and to me it seemed to get larger, I called the dr which then scheduled a mammogram after feeling the lump and decided to schedule a bi-lateral mammo for a baseline since both my breasts are extremly lumpy. The mammogram on the rt didn't pick it up, but it is palable (sp?). The radiologist suggested an ultrasound since the lump was so close to my chest wall. The ultrasound technician stated all she could pick up was large muscle tissue and it looks as though maybe a portion of my chest muscle tissue has 'popped out of place'. I was OK with that explanation and was waiting for my dr appointment for his final word on it.
Now with all of that background... I rec'd a call last week from the dr's office stating my left breast came back with suspicious density and scheduled an ultrasound for me tomorrow. I was trying to find pics on the internet of what cancer looks like in an ultrasound since I can only find pics on a mammo. From what I am reading density is common and adds to the risks of cancer, but I can't find anything that states that someone had suspicious density and it turned out to be cancer, so I'm worried but not that worried, but then I wonder if I just don't know what to look for.
I am I just being a nervous ninny?