I just had another nuclear bone scan to check my back out. I may have spondylitis so I have been seeing a Rhuemy for a year. They ordered the scan and there are uptake areas in several places on the spine. I have had MRI's before and nothing ever looks wrong, other than a messed up back from arthritis, etc. I am possitive for a gene that can be connected (or not) with different spondylitus dx. Anyway, I have an MRI on June 16th just to be sure.(again) that it is not mets. The dr.s doubt it, but, of course, with my history we want to be sure. Anyway, if possible, maybe the PCE could be there chanting the "all clear" chant?!
Geez, this is getting old! (SO AM I, LOL) I guess it is just part of the "gift that keeps on giving" right?
Thank you all for being here!