Stef...I know my onc runs it sometimes, but I don't think she runs it every time. I just recently graduated to every four months in the office (I had been going every three months), and I'm over 11 years out now from dx. You know, as long as they tell me the bloodwork looks good, I don't ask what they ran. In addition to mammos and chest x-rays, I do get bone scans every 1-2 years, and not all oncs do that, I guess. I DO know that if I ask for a specific test that I want run, chances are I'll get it. She's run ca125's and ordered tvu's for me because I've put off my gynocology visits and I'm at risk for ovarian ca. She's ordered FSH and other hormone tests to satisfy my curiousity. Basically, whatever will make me feel secure, she will do for me.
I know some people have discovered mets through blood tests( my dear friend, JoAnnie among them), but I know more who had perfectly normal bloodwork and had scans because they were symptomatic. With the ovarian cancer risk, however, the tests are quicker to show trouble than the symptoms or even physical I do those regularly.
I would insist on whatever makes you comfortable with this stinking, rotten, insidious disease and nothing less.
Love and hugs to you, girl.