When I had breast cancer in 1997, I had a port put in my breast. Cancer was left side, port in right side.
I had that port for 4-1/2 months and had nothing but problems and great pain with it. Everytime they accessed it, it felt like they were stabbing me in the chest. I had 7 chemo treatments directly in my right arm. Those treatments went so much easier for me because they didn't have to access the port.
Now 9 years later, I have been told that I have lung cancer with mets to the liver and brain. (not bc mets). They put a port in my right arm, 8/28, and it caused an infection in my arm and was removed 9/6. Also, before the port was taken out, they discovered that I have a blood clot in my right arm. Today, 9/18 I was to start my 2nd round of chemo (3 days), but had to postpone it because of another infection in my right arm.
I also have to mention that the drs have been told both 9 years ago, and again before they put the port in, that I am allergic to metal and plastic. I allowed them to put in the port because I realize how caustic chemo chemicals are.
OK--I have a question for you. Everything I have ever read said no needle sticks in my left arm--that is where they went in for the lymph nodes and severed the nerves. Today they took blood from my left arm. I realize that I only have my legs left, but I'm questioning whether it was wise to let them take blood from my arm. What do you think?