Im new to this too, found out about
3 weeks ago now that I have invasive ductal carcinoma, had a lumpectomy last wensday and will get the result of the sentinal node biopsy tomarrow...I felt the lump in my breat about
2 weeks before I saw the Dr. now I wonder if I had gone right away if maybe it wouldnt be this way...although Im so new to this that I really dont understand much of it, am hoping that the appt tomarrow will give me a better grip on things...the surgeon did tell me that I will have to have chemo and radiation and possibly hormone therapy, but really wont know how bad the cancer is until these test results.
If I were you I would get a second opinion and request they do a diagnositic primary Dr. told me that screening mammograms miss abou 30% of cysts and tumors....
Please get a second opinion, just to be on the safe side....
Let me know what you decide and what the second opinion shows if you decide to have one done.
Take Care