I know its proably nothing, or at least not that big of a deal. Im 23 almost 24 and at the age of 22 my doctor pound a pea size lump in my right breast. She said that we would keep an eye on it. Later on that pea grew to the size of a smaller marble, so once again I went to the doctor and they mamogramed it. This time I was sent to see a breast surgen who then told me he believed it to share alot of signs of a fibroadenoma, and wanted to remove it since it was growing. I had just given birth to my son 2 and 1/2 months prior, but when he told me fibroadenomas were benigh I chose to wait till I was done breastfeeding to remove it. Plus im terified of having any type of surgery. But now that marble has turned into the size of a quarter. My husband wants it out, what should I do. Do you think it would really hurt to continue to wait till im done breastfeeding. And is it possible that what they think is a fibroadenoma could be something more serious?
Hammer Tyime