Hi prof! Welcome to our club, but sorry to invite you!
Yes, having a good kind is good, and you are right, it does not soften the blow right now. In the long run, you may be able to take comfort in that, but for now, you feel sucker punched. You are dealing with a lot of information, so take it easy and give yourself time to digest the info. I too am Ashken****e (I had to deliberately misspell the word...hoping the phonetic makes sense. System bleeped me out, as part of the word forms another) and had genetic testing, but I waited about 10 months before I finally did the testing. I needed to be sure I was ready for the info and answer, knowing too that I would have had prophylactic surgery (i was negative, yea!).
My advice is to surround yourself with people and things that make you feel good, try to not take in too much info at once, but find the balance to be informed and take control of your own decisions. Tall order, we know....feel free to ask us questions and let us know how we can help. Some of us old timers have been posting together for years (I was dx'ed in 11/99) and we're here to help.